Conference Publication Details
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Kelly, JF., Pryke, S., Rigby, J., Winch, GW.
International Research Network on Organizing by Projects, Berlin
Project Coalition as a Network Organisation
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Projects typically require the input of specialist expertise from a variety of disciplines to deliver effective solutions. In this paper we examine the particular situation where client organisations must engage outside firms to provide necessary expertise and resources.

The creation of this temporary coalition of firms is facilitated by procurement systems that provide the mechanisms through which firms can engage and transact with one another throughout the project lifecycle. Procurement is a major issue for projects, particularly in the construction industry where traditional systems, in use for decades, have resulted in poor overall project performance. Recent attempts to reform the construction industry both in Ireland and the UK appear to be directed at developing a relationship based approach to procurement. We argue that a network perspective is a useful means through which the effects of different procurement systems on inter-firm relationships can be investigated.

We develop insights from previous work using social network analysis and demonstrate how new developments in simulating and estimating statistical models can be used to reveal underlying structural influences that govern information exchanges between firms. We construct a network based on suggested procurement reforms aimed at achieving efficient and effective network structures and compare these with 3 cases observed using different procurement systems. Initial results confirm that the cases using  integrated and mediated procurement systems show a stronger structural tendency towards an efficient cluster based structure than the traditional procurement case. We conclude by outlining the future direction for this research.

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